The Connective Learning Dyslexia Centre in Kelsall has delivered expert dyslexia tuition since it was established by Isabel McIntyre in 1999. Over the intervening years, hundreds of people with dyslexia have been helped to improve their reading, writing, spelling and communication skills and to increase their confidence and self-esteem. The Centre is operated by an experienced team, including Principal Sam Palfreyman and her Deputy Kate Foxton.

Isabel McIntyre
Founder of the Connective Learning Dyslexia Centre, holds the Hornsby Diploma in Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia) and is an Associate Member of the Dyslexia Guild. She is in close contact with the Centre staff, advising on technique when required and promoting best practice.
The multi-sensory, computerised, Connective Learning programme (written by Isabel) is suitable for both children and adults (whether dyslexic or not) at any level. It is a simple-to-use method, based on students working their way through a series of easy and enjoyable exercises on the computer, working at their own rate and without pressure. The method involves the use of the eyes, ears, speech organs, fingers and muscles so that the brain receives the same “message” from a variety of pathways. Multi-sensory methods have long been recognised as the best way for people with dyslexia to learn. When combined with interactive computer technology, staff expertise and a highly supportive one-to-one learning environment, these methods are extremely effective.
Sessions are held in The Old Telephone Exchange, Church Street North, Kelsall, Cheshire (about 8 miles east of Chester) on weekday afternoons, between 4pm and 7pm. Students usually attend two one-hour sessions per week. Results are outstanding and, in many cases, the effects are life-altering; this offers a happier future to anyone who struggles with reading and writing (and their families).